faceless young woman with stress ball on white background

Occupational Therapy


Pennsylvania COVID-19 Information

Pennsylvania Disaster Emergency Due to COVID-19 – Ended

Pennsylvania Department of Health – COVID-19 in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania 2021 Act 73

Pennsylvania Department of State – Waived and Suspended Licensing Regulations

Pennsylvania Governor Executive Orders

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) – DHS COVID-19 Provider Resources

Pennsylvania State Board of Occupational Therapy Education and Licensure


(Updated 11/2/2022; 7/13/2022; 4/1/2022; 2/10/2022)

Supervision & Delegation of Duties


Specialized Treatment

Additional Pennsylvania License Information

Pennsylvania Labor Laws

Click on a state below to access information about another state’s occupational therapy practice acts, laws, statutes, rules, and/or regulations.

(Updated 2/10/2022; 1/8/2022)